Monday, September 22, 2008

Nanchan Temple

The Nanchan Temple is located on the north bank of the Xiaoyinhe, Yangbaigou, 21 kilometers south of Wutai County, Xinzhou, Shanxi Province of China. It is 35 kilometers from the town of Dongzhi.

When the temple was founded is unknown. It was rebuilt in the 3rd year of Dezong Jianzhong of the Tang Dynasty, more than 1200 years ago. The temple faces south, and has a land area of 3078 square meters. It is a preserved location of national historical and cultural relics.

Its main hall is the earliest preserved timber-structured building nationwide, built in the Tang Dynasty. The sculptures of the Tang Dynasty are masterpieces, and have significant historical and artistic value.

The Tang Dynasty was the peak in China's architectural history, and is also the heydays of Buddhist buildings. However, only four timber-structured buildings of the Tang Dynasty have been preserved till today, and all of them are in Shanxi Province. Among them are Nanchan Temple and Foguang Temple, which are both located on Mount Wutai. The other two are Tiantai An in Pingshun County and Guangrenwang Temple in Ruicheng County.

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